Beachy keen
Because the last game of the year is on in just half an hour, I don't have time to write much. Yes, the Sun Bowl is the last time you'll hear me wax rhapsodic about UCLA football...however will you manage? (Those of you new to my blog didn't get a chance to enjoy the Sunday morning celebration/furiousness throughout the season...don't worry though, 'cause here comes Basketball!)
However, I couldn't let today go by without directing you to my first real life pic on little ol' Melanhead's lovely, lovely blog.
Yes, I am Person of the Week and honestly, I couldn't be more honored! I see that some of you have already commented there and I appreciate all the compliments...and yes, Mr. Blogger is muy handsome (actually even cuter than the pic looks, but hey, I was looking for one that was good of me, RIGHT?).
Let me explain the picture...
I generally HATE pictures of me and honestly had considered just using some cartoon or likeness of a cat to represent me or something. The only reason I chose it is due to what it reminds me of, more than what it looks like.
It's from the first time I went to London in 2002 and MB and I had known each other a little over a week at this point (post-food poisoning of course). We were right in the throes of the "holy-crap-I-am-completely-falling-in-love-with-this-person-who-lives-6000-miles-from-me-and-what-am-I-going-to-do-about-it?" phase.
We had decided to go down to Brighton that day. After a day's sight-seeing, we saw that they were setting up a Summer beach party on the lovely rocky shores and that they were showing Moulin Rouge on a giant screen.
We were actually just about to go back to London, but we decided to stay and have fun. But while others were prepared, we had no blanket, no thermos of hot drinks, no nothin'. And when the sun went down it was FREEZING. Like California in the middle of Winter, frankly.
But we were determined AND stubborn! We were watching the movie, dammit! It was romantic to get all snuggly anyway. Honestly, we just couldn't stop laughing at how freakin' cold it was and what the hell were we thinking! Thank God we had jackets in the car.
When it was over, and our fingers were blue and our noses were numb, we hightailed it over to a hotel bar for hot chocolate and were still laughing. But we loved it.
My hair is now a darker brown and I was able to talk MB into getting away from the middle-part situation (you know how women love to change the hair)...but in general it looks like us. And it looks like our personalities, which I thought was most important.
I still feel the same happy, frozen-body inklings when I see it, and what's even better is that nothing has really changed one bit. We still laugh. We're still stubborn. And we still love a good party and/or film.
Mostly, we still would rather be by each other's side than anywhere else in the world. I can't ask for more than that in life...and don't think I don't know that I am a lucky, lucky woman.
Happy New Year everybody and much love to all!
(And for one last time...GO BRUINS!)